4.5m TxRx Ka band antenna
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Probecom 4.5M Ka band antenna adopts all aluminum re-enforced reflectors, consisting of precisely formed panels with matched radials and hub assemblies, ensure the ease of installation. The standard designed azimuth over elevation pedestal provides a cost-effective solution for high stiffness and stability, full orbital arc coverage and fine drive performance, and ensures the pointing accuracy for Ka-Band.
It is widely and ideally used for Broadcasters, Service Providers, GSM operator, Satellite operator, Military and Government Agencies, Free Landing or Rescue Organizations.
*High RF performance
*High gain, low side lobes, low cross polarization
*Galvanized stainless steel hardware
*Different frequency ranges from many feed configurations
*Full motion antenna
*Feed blower or deicing with automatic controls
*Two or four Tx/Rx port in linear or circular polarized feeds
*Installation and maintenance services
Motorization Kits
Limit Switches
ODU Support Kits
Factory Feed System Testing and Documentation
Ocean /Air Transport Packing
Foundation Kit
Grounding Kit Cable-Mounting Kit